Day 27: Finding neverland

12 March, Day 27: St. John 4: 43-54

It's very much part of human nature to want to see 'proof' before we believe anything. We tend to want to use fact and reasoning to shape our views of the world, and this is one of the ways we process information.

However, there are things beyond human understanding that just cannot be proven - such as miracles, or faith. This is one of the reasons why so many dodgy 'spiritual people' exist and thrive. Because they tap into people's desire for the unknown. And this forces many of us to turn skeptics when it comes to God and spirituality.

Today's verse is from John 4:43-54:

“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

Thoughts: When Jesus travels from Judea to Gaililee, an official of the King come to him and begs him to heal his dying son. Jesus speaks the above words in response but declares to the Official that his son would live.

Even before the Official reached home, he was met with the news that his son was living and healed. When he enquired about the exact time he had got better, he realised it was at the same time that Jesus assured him.

While Jesus at first, sounds a little harsh when he says the above line, he understands human nature and heals the man's son anyway. He wanted to give the Official the gift of faith so that he may believe without seeing.

Like the Official, we too have a need to see physical signs before we believe. While this is not ideal, Jesus accepts it, and heals us anyway. "The miracle of faith is to believe without guarantee".

Takeaway: There will be miracles when you believe.


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