Day 10 : Don't look back in anger

23 February, Day 10 : Mathew 5: 20-26

The morning sessions are going well, despite me waking up at different times in the morning (I blame toddler for some of this).  However, I must start waking at the same time everyday even if a little later than planned.

A week into Lent, I decided to give up my much-loved morning cup of coffee. And coffee throughout the day too. I had started to depend on it especially since I started to wake up earlier ("I'll be awake soon, I just need some coffee!").

 Now I dream like an addict of the smell of the coffee and that first sip which spreads warmth and awareness through me.  Are you allowed to talk about the said sacrificed thing in such a manner once you've given it up? I've weirdly coming to crave it less, although I think about it every morning!

Back to the reading of the day, which is from Mathew 5: 20-26. Here's the bit that stands out for me:

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift."

Thoughts:  Our relationship with other people is at the heart of our search for God. Jesus clearly says in this verse that it doesn't need to be as big as murder, if you hold anger, resentment or something against another person, or you hate them or think they are the worst... that is bad enough. It starts with the little things. It's the little things that bring us down as not every one of us is a murderer.

That's a very clear and direct order from J. You just cannot evolve or be a good person if you can't make peace with your spouse, kids, friends, circle of people. And by making peace he means actual reconciliation - which in the Christian way means asking God forgiveness, and the person too.

Whew, but that's so hard! Your pride or ego often gets in the way of this. Or sometimes you ignore it hoping it will die down quietly. Or you don't want to be confrontational or you sweep it under the rug. Or your way of dealing with anger and hurt is immersing yourself in some activity, running away, sleeping, watching TV. Or you rather avoid a conflict or discussing feelings instead of dealing with it head-on.

Being a true Christian is really really hard. But, that's what its going to have to take. Real sacrifice.

Takeaway: Worship and sacrifice mean nothing if you are unable to let go of people and experiences which hurt you. 


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