Day 11: Love will find a way

24 February, Day 11: Mathew 5: 43-48

Over the past several days, what strikes me when reading the Bible is that how it is in stark contrast with the rules and ways of the world, or what it means to be happy and successful in the world. You'd want to argue, but isn't that the purpose of God? To live a happy and successful life here on earth? Apparently not! We have been created for eternity it seems. Our bodies die but our souls do not. That is a premise whether you believe it or not.

There are many people who do just fine in the world, you could say, from the outside. Take social media and how people use it to post highlights fo their lives - personal achievements, pride in their family, their exciting adventures, travel and holidays, achievements at work or play and general stills of ... 'Here's my kickass life, I am totally winning!'. 

However, they don't similarly share their messes and daily troubles do they? And we end up percieving their lives to be perfect and awesome, and leaves us craving for some part of their lives even. It's funny how many of us know that posts on social media are usually never as they seem, yet we do not really know this!

I don't think there is anybody who emerges unscathed inlife, and there will be times when we land in hot water, and seek answers. 

(Although Trump does manage to emerge unscathed (so far) no matter what is thrown at him! What gives? I would gladly believe in hell to make sense of this. DIFFERENT TOPIC.

So let's get back to today's reading from Mathew 5: 43-48

"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. 

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Thoughts: Links back to what I was saying earlier about how in contrast Christianity is with worldly life, but for the same reason is also the antidote to life on earth. It's as other wordly as it can get... and this brings with it it's own unique peace... in knowing that there is a God who says such things as the truth for us to strive for. 

What stood out here weirdly for me is not the 'Love your enemies' bit which is usually the thing that stands out the most whenever I've heard this verse bit. But its 'pray for those who persecute you'. 

Especially when you encounter people of the head-banging (bang your own head on a wall i.e) variety, as in, who are so impossible, that you want to give up on them. Or are so infuriating or cause you so much pain and annoyance, that you prefer to just not deal. I think when you feel helpless, it's importance that you pray for them. To help the situation, to change yourself and them for the better. As hard and impossible this is to do. It's another version of "loving your enemy" but at a basic, small level. Prayer changes things invisibly, I've come to realize.

"Be perfect" - How overwhelming, as no one is. It can make it seem like a pointless,frustrating exercise. To be perfect, is to be divine? How can us regular people, with regular lives, and regular hopes and dream be perfect? I think the key lies is in the striving. The wanting, the desiring enough to make small steps... of love towards other people.

Takeaway: Strive to be a little bit better than yourself by genuinely praying and loving those people who upset you.


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