Day 13: What goes around, comes around?

26 February, Day 13: Luke 6: 30-38

Day 13 into this and I am feeling the fatigue of the impact of reading 13 powerful thoughts consecutively.

Why fatigue?  Because the effort to be good or trying to be good itself is hard. It requires a lot of little changes, little arguments or fights with your self, little adjustments, little sacrifices, that will make sense I know, for the longer term. By the every day battles can be hard. Not impossible, but just to reiterate... that it takes effort. It's not the easy way that's for sure. But the good news is that, when you are trying to be good and trying to apply 'good words' to your life, everything around you helps you do it. I believe so at least.

Here's today verse which is Luke 6:30-38

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. 

Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.

Thoughts: I've always appreciated the concept of karma in Hinduism. The cause and effect nature of the explanation behind it seemed to make sense to me. Especially when it comes to evil people getting away with doing horrible things. It give me mild satisfaction to think that, if the law of karma karma holds true, then Hitler will probably be reborn as a flesh eating bacteria living on toad in the bottom of a pond. But, who knows where he is?!

When I read this verse, this is the closest I've come to the concept of karma in Christianity. (Although it was probably NOT written with karma in mind at all, let me acknowledge).

For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. 

Until now, all the verses that I've been reading before this have all been centered around love - about being kind, being forgiving, being charitable, being loving, being merciful. This verse too talks about God's love i.e 'gifts will overflow into your lap in good measure.' But, am I right in feeling that it almost sounds... conditional in this instance?

God loves his creatures unconditionally, but this one I feel somehow refers to the workings of the world, (what you sow, you shall reap) and also ultimately, it refers to God's treatment of us based on our behavior on earth.

Takeaway: If you are kind to people, you will receive kindness in return.


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