Day 9 : Take me to Church

21 February, Day 9 : St. Matthew 16: 13-19

I think this whole exercise was born from a need to live my life differently but not having the tools or direction to really do a thing. 

As a CWWC, I've always doubted the need for religion (not God, I believe in God). Religion, I felt made things extremely complicated - too many rules, too many divides, too many orders, too much fighting and misunderstanding. Too many false Gods.

I still wish there was only one religion, and that we all belonged to it. One of those things that deeply bother me, but leave me helpless, is the stuff that goes on in the name of religion which has nothing to do with God. 

I hate that belonging to different religions also promote a lack of understanding each other. In fact, this almost keeps me from embracing one religion. I don't want to  grow into one of those people who think I or the path I choose is the BEST one for all. I don't want to belong to a religion that teaches this. That's frankly a dangerous way to be and that is what is happening with the world today. People who don't understand each other and people who don't include each other.

So, P asked me why am I reading the Bible. Why not start with Buddhism or Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion. Why are you choosing to start with Christianity he asks. That's fair, I've asked myself this too. 

My response was that I know that atheism is not the way for me, and that whatever little I have read of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy offers many wise and practical advice, they satisfied my mind, but they didn't really satisfy my heart. They helped me get through a difficult time previously. But I see now that it didn't help my faith. And I know I was totally lacking in this area. (That being said I happened to come across Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom at the library and picked it up. And I do plan to read The God Delusion at a later stage for sure). 

I think somewhere along the way in our lives, we get fed up. We feel like there is no other way out, we distract ourselves. I've been there multiple times  and I was not getting anywhere.

So I decided to start with the most convenient and obvious and easy option - the religion and community I was born in. If I am able to find 'faith' here, why do I need to go beyond?

Anyway, back to what you're here for. Today's reading is from Mathew 16:13-19:  

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 

Thoughts: This verse was pretty clear to me and didn't much decoding. So Peter is the one who correctly guesses (when asked) who J really is. And then he declares the that Peter (meaning rock in Greek) will be in charge of spreading Christianity and will also be the foundation upon which the Church is built. Huge moment for Peter, huge for Christianity too, a game changer. This shows us that J was a practical man-God.

I have my criticisms with the Church, especially with regard to the past handling of many serious events (and I am sure this is an issue that has bothered and affected most Christians), so I am not going to get into that.

I am trying to be a regular church-goer as my love for music has led me to join the choir a few months ago.  Lately I have been drawn to Church, interested and eager to hear the Gospel and the sermon that follows - it's always been a breath of fresh air to hear a positive message to carry through in my life.

Belonging to the Church is like being part of a community with similar beliefs, not to mention the obvious social benefits. J thought about everything so that people could find Him whenever they wanted to.

Takeaway: When you need guidance, counselling and wise, powerful words to guide your life, the Church will give it to you.


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