Day 1: Joke's on me!

First, let me explain what this little project about. 

It's pretty basic. 

Just me, a CWWC, writing a daily log of observations or reactions or takeaways from the Bible verse of the day. 

Over 40 days. Coz' it seems a sweet amount of time. Pretty long and weighty, without being forever.

Coz' its Lent. It's time I started to bother about it. #adulting

An attempt at purposeful living.

Probably way better than spending my time on all fours, trying to sweep up the remains of leftover  crumbly bits from two weeks ago.

Or googling Indian recipes for Kale and/or wondering why eating leaves was even introduced as a thing.

Or watching some idiot travelling the the world and eating exotic foods and wishing hard that it was me.

So here goes.

14 February - Day 1: Mathew 6:1-6, 16-18

I figured the only time I can get the mindspace and uninterrupted time to read the Bible would be first thing in the morning

I set the alarm for 5:30 am, hoping that that would give me enough time to 'Snooze' enough number of times so that I can drag myself out of bed by 6 am. That's perfect - not dead early. Only I didn't hear it ring at 5:30 am at all (or I probably hit snooze in my sleep?), and it rang at 6 am instead. Great! No extra snoozing time, I think, dawdling about in bed which still mildly smelled like puke. (Toddler. Multiple projectile vomit late night sessions. End of story. )

At 6:10 am, I force myself to slip out of bed and tip-toe my way out of the room like a toddler-escaping ninja (it's like they can sense me stirring, and then they wake up and scream hysterically for milk).

I make myself some coffee in sleepy headed stupor. Few sips of coffee and some gentle music brings me to into a state of semi-awakeness and I feel good... proud, almost? A smug feeling of self-satisfaction follows, and I bask in it.  I am actually pretty cool for doing this!  I can do anything! Hah! If only P could see me now.. he'd totally take back all those things he said a few weeks ago.. he'd probably think I'm pretty awesome(r), he'd probably be all like super impressed even. I should probably play the music louder so that he can hear that I'm awake down here.  And that I'm praying and being all good and disciplined with my life. Totally winning at this God thing!!

Finally, I reach for the Bible and google 'daily bible verse' and read it. 

Here's what Mathew 6:1-6 says:

"When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them."


Thoughts: Ok I've heard this one before but it's never applied to me THIS MUCH?  I am not sure how this happened. How is it today's reading so linked to what I was feeling unconsciously? Thanks God, for making me feel like a complete idiot. God - 1, me - 0.

Guess I am pretty needy, small and desperate for... approval? after all. But I'm also feeling deeply tickled by this.. revelation 😄😄 

Takeaway:  Whatever prayer or sacrifice or anything that you do, it's your heart, and your intention that really matters. Not others' approval, praise or attention! 

Later on at around 7 am, P comes down and pleasantly notes that I've been awake for a while and is surprised and asks what I've been up to all this while. 

I feel validated :) 


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