Day 23: Two roads diverged...

8 March, Day 23: Luke 11: 14-23

Do all paths lead to God?

Why are people so insistent that their 'path' is the best above others?

Does believing in one faith, automatically mean the other religions are null or void?

Is there one truth for everybody, or does every person have their own version of the truth.

A number of puzzling questions come to the surface at the end of reading today's verse which is from Luke 11:14-23

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

Thoughts:  In today's verse, Jesus drives out a demon from a mute man who was able to speak as a result. Even though the people watching were impressed, they commented saying that it must be by the power of evil. To which Jesus says, well then that makes no sense as why would the devil want to drive out a devil? ("a kingdom divided, falls") He adds that it is by the power of God that he does it.

Demon - could have a metaphorical meaning to mean anything from mental illness to Biblical diseases such as epilepsy which made people think that  person was possessed!

We might have similar "weaknesses" or blind spots within ourselves that could do with some attention, which Jesus attempts to heal if we allow Him to. Finally, at the end, Jesus distinguishes between his side (God's) and the devil's and calls us to be on his side, the good side.

Takeaway: The only alternative to living with God, is the devil. If you do not choose the path of God, you're doomed to misery.


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