Day 28: Heal the world

13 March, Day 28: John 5:1-16

'Be the change you want to see in the world', said a famous person or a bumper sticker.

Very few of us have the spirit or conviction to end up doing something radical and world-changing. As members of society/community, we are usually want to carry on with our little lives and are largely reluctant to want to be the first to speak out against anything.

Well, now with the internet, everyone has a voice and an opinion, of course, on the most mundane and useless things on the planet. But, the majority of that is just empty noise, and canhardly qualify as revolutionary!!

But, Jesus (and remember the times he lived in) was quite a rebel in this regard. And he had to have the qualities of one, to make a statement, to speak out against the status quo and change things.

Today's verse from John 5:1-16 says:

Jesus said to the invalid,“Rise, take up your mat, and walk.”  Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.

Thoughts: Jesus performs this healing in this verse,by the pool near a temple where an assortment of the sick and crippled people had gathered. He meets a a paralysed man and when he learns that he has been living that way for 38 years, he heals him with the above words.

He was met by Jewish leaders and he revealed to them that Jesus had healed him. But, it was against the law to do such things on the Sabbath which was supposed to be a day of rest. And they started making plans to bring Jesus down.

Well! That took a lot of guts. More like Godly inspiration, to go ahead and do good even if against the law. Unlike the previous day's verse when his intention was to heal so that a man may believe, in today's verse Jesus healed because he was moved by compassion. He  was moved by the plight of the sick, and so he is moved by our plight, and will heal us too.

Takeaway: There's hope for all of us 'sick' people in the world, as our God is greatly compassionate and has come to heal us from sin.


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