Day 29: The Father and the Son

14 March, Day 29: John 5: 17-30

Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever think I'd maintain a blog this consistently over a short span of time. (There have been countless times that I have wanted to do this as an exercise and even now I've over 10 blogs in various stages of undress somewhere out there in the universe - anything but regular though!)

What's even more unbelievable is that I would choose spirtuality/religion as a topic! (I've always had a list of other ideas for blogs - music, poetry, travel, relationships, parenting, life stuff - that I wanted to pursue. )

Over the course of almost a month or so, writing this blog has forced me to face certain uncomfortable truths. There are realisations that I can't turn my back on anymore. There has been the filling of gaps in my understanding. The shedding of light on various things. A boost in my knowledge. And, lots of peace. Plus the satisfaction of putting my thoughts out there to an "invisible" audience. Not to say that's its been smooth or easy. Just that any sort of effort in any area, leads to... well, small changes, I think. More on that later!

Today's verse is from John 5:17-30:

Jesus says: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

Thoughts: Jesus says the above in response to the Jewish authorities who question why he heals on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was considered a day of rest, and it was forbidden by law to work on the day.

Jesus seals his fate by declaring his divinity to them. He  says God (his Father) and him (the Son) are one, and that He is acting according to the will of God. If you read the full verse, he goes on to say that those who believe him have eternal life, and that God does not judge, and that everyone now has opportunity to be raised from "death" to "life.

Imagine how blasphemous that might have sudden to folks who were listening. A man who breaks the rules, a man who challenges authority, a man who says other wordly things, a man who equals himself to God. The man and his teaching clearly shocked them and made them very uncomfortable indeed. No wonder they make plans to bring him down. I wonder if I lived at the time whether I would believe too?

Takeaway: There's no separating the Christian path with the spiritual path for me at the end of the verse today, as it clearly states to embrace Jesus as God.


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