Day 32: The Awe Factor

17 March, Day 32: John 7:40-53

Well. It's a bit crazy how a month has passed in the blink of an eye... and when I note the day down at the start of every blog, I'm a little bit amazed. Surely, I'm not just 8 days from the end?

Checked up on this, and turns out I will finish this blog 6 days before Easter.

Did you know that Sundays are not included in the count of 40 days of Lent - I read that each one is treated as a mini-Easter celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Had no idea!

Today's verse is from John 7: 40-53

Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and the Pharisees, who asked them, “Why didn’t you bring him in?” “No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards replied.


In today's verse the people are undecided on who Jesus really is. Some think he is a Prophet, others are sure he is the Messiah, and still others are doubtful about his background and identity.

The guards who were sent to arrest him were unable to do so because probably something didn't  feel right to them. They were so taken in by his words and teachings, they seemed unable to arrest him. Jesus seemed to amaze the crowds with his 'awe factor'.

Are we able to pay attention to this 'awe factor' in our lives? It could be a person, an inner voice, a random experience, something we read, a daily activity, a stranger... or any of the other countless ways God tries to communicate with us and make his presence felt through us.

Takeaway: Seek and be open to God's voice in my daily interactions with people and the world around me.


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