Day 33: For you, a thousand times over

18 March, Day 33: John 12: 20-33

Earlier today, this line from  Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini, randomly popped into my mind: 'For you, a thousand times' over. (It basically means that a person is so devoted to the other that they are able to perform any task for them over and over again (limitless-ly), and without question.)

If you have read the book or seen the movie, you'll know that line forms the crux of the story whose central theme is about repentance, and making amends. Despite having read it many years ago, I can still remember the beautiful and simple storytelling, the deep sorrow and regret it captures, and its bittersweet and triumphant finish.

I won't explain how the quote relates to the story but for more context, read about it here. Or better still read the book! You won't regret it. And keep a pack of Kleenex very close.

Today's verse than is from John 12: 20-33:

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Thoughts: Very intense and authoritative words, and quite explicit too, with no room for interpretation.

I felt a bit overwhelmed. Coz' first, I am nothing like this. And, second, how to be this?

I mean, here's a "God" on earth who is asking us to 'die' to produce 'fruit'. And if at all you get too attached to life here on earth, you're a goner, that's for sure. There is no hope for all of us wordly-minded people who just cannot be bothered to seek God in their lifetime.

I had to tell my brain not to work overtime on this one, and to take it slowly.

This 'dying to the self' is quite a theme in all religions. Coz' placing the self first is the exact opposite of placing God first isn't it?  Yet here we are in the world, and the world tell us to make plans exactly like we are at the centre of it. Quite a frustrating and confusing reality, no?

How to do both? I'll admit, I don't have the answer.

I do know that earthly life and heavenly life are not compatible. It's true but there's a certain hidden danger in saying this. Especially if it causes one to a)give up easily b)be frustrated c)not really want to change anything and carry on the same way.

I think the key lies in the smallest of steps. The smallest of 'dying to the selfs'. The key is to not get overwhelmed with the ideal state of affairs, coz' that is an impossible goal at this current state. Most of us are not at all saintly people. We are pretty regular folks with regular flaws and weaknesses.

Not to confine us to limiting beliefs of our inherent 'weak' nature, it, but just to say there is hope for even the worst among us if we are willing to die a little bit. Perhaps it will help us to evolve to such a degree that our trust and faith grows so much that we are able to say to God 'for you a thousand times over'.

Takeaway: An real awareness and understanding that dying to self is required for spiritual progress.


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