Day 34: Listen to your calling

19 March, Day 34: Matthew 1:16.18-21.24a

I remember my mom telling this story in my childhood.

 It was about her father who was posted in Iraq as an accountant during the first World War in the early 1900s. He apparently fell in love with a local girl there, and wanted to marry her. However, he had a dream where St.Joseph appeared to him and told to return home to Kerala, India where there was another, a Catholic girl called Mary (my grandmother :)) who was waiting for him, and she was the one who was meant to be.

In an age of nearly extinct letters, postcards, 'message in a bottle's - this story always struck me as quaint and whimsical. Also, it paints a little picture of my grandfather, who I know so little of, as I have never met or seen him.

This little story came to mind when I read today's verse which is from Mathew 1:16.18-21.24a:

Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.


So Joseph. the earthly father of Jesus was in a dilemma and reluctant to be with Mary once he realised she was pregnant as he knew that 1) he had nothing to do with it and 2) he couldn't believe Mary had anything to do with either.

However, an angel appeared to him a dream telling him to take Mary as his wife, as the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and the baby is to be called Jesus and would save  humanity from their sins.

Well, imagine that! This verse is about faith and obedience. And acting on God's will in complete faith and trust, without stopping to question or argue or doubt it.

How many of us can do this, without paying any attention to anybody who might criticise or accuse us of behaving in a completely crazy manner?! It takes some special kind of magic, this. But this is what every Christian is called to do.

Takeaway: Even during difficult or challenging circumstances, try to seek and obey God's will in your life.


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