Day 3: I am not complete

16 February - Day 3 Mathew 9:14-15

Today I didn't end up waking at 6 am. Woke up at 5:30 am instead and had to cuddle feverish toddler back to sleep, which took an hour after which I fell asleep! Woke up at half past 7 but I didn't reprimand myself and brand myself a failure for having woken up late! (Besides, toddler was still asleep so I figured I had some time, however short).

Today's verse was from Mathew 9:14-15. It's a short one and here's what it said in full:

Then John the Baptist's disciples came and asked him, “How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?”
Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.
Thoughts: I couldn't understand this reading at all at first, so I read it several times... almost like I was trying to learn something by heart. I decided to ignore the nagging doubt and questions that arose for now. Here's what I took from it.

So, a bunch of people went to Jesus to ask - how come his disciples didn't fast when everyone else was doing it.

J says: Coz' they don't need to, cause they've me (the bridegroom) and life is perfect with me. Life is basically a party (a celebration) with me! I make their lives complete (I'm the son of God, peeps. The closest to divinity on earth you're going to get). 
Takeaway:  People are a restless lot, who need meaning and purpose to complete their lives. They will at some point realize that the world cannot satisfy them. (Unless your Hugh Hefner, or Trump - but who's to say?). Fasting or self-denial or giving up 'something' (a habit? a way of thinking? an attitude? a lifestyle?) as a step towards achieving completeness or meaning. 


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